Executor Insights

Get important insights on the executor role from the articles below. The articles featured on this blog are a complement to the executor plan you’ll get here on Executor.org when you sign up.

Consider Adding a TOD

You’ve heard of Payable on Death for your bank account, but what about Transfer on Death for your investment accounts?

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What are the benefits of being an executor of a will?

If you’re an executor, you‘ll want to know the benefits. Learn more about executor duties, executor compensation, and the benefits of serving.

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Help! My Parents Disinherited Me

Can a parent leave their children out of their will? What about leaving out one but including the others? What can you do if you are left out?

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Do you need a successor executor?

You’ve named an executor in your will. Is that enough? Do you need to add a successor executor, too? What is a successor executor anyway?

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Can you disinherit your spouse?

Can you write a will that leaves nothing to your spouse? When this happens, are there any laws to help the disinherited spouse?

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What is the most important duty of an executor?

What is the most important duty of an executor? Look to the duty the executor owes to the beneficiaries, to the will writer and to the law.

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Executors and Abatement

When there are more debts than assets in an estate, it can lead to difficult conversations where communication is key.

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I’m Worried About the Estate Attorney

Estate attorneys are usually great, but turn to the state bar association if you worry about potential violation of professional duties.

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Newly Single

Big life events often prompt us to update important documents like our will, add beneficiaries to our insurance, and update distributions for our retirement accounts.  And much like the old infomercial said, we set it and forget it.  But over the course of years, a lot can change in our lives, including the breakup of…

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