Determine the location of important documents

It is important for an executor to know where assembled important documents are kept. Remember, though, when a person dies, the bank will not allow you access to a safe deposit box of a deceased person until you receive official court documentation of your executor role, such as letters of testamentary.

▪ Driver’s License

In addition to containing general identification information, a license might contain important information about a person including whether or not he or she desires to be an organ donor.

▪ Social Security Card

Many states want a person’s social security number before they will issue an official copy of the death certificate, so be sure you have access to this card soon after death.

▪ Passport

A passport often contains valuable identification information.

▪ Life Insurance Policy

Notifying the life insurance company of a death is among the early executor responsibilities, so it is important to have the policy stored with other important documents.

▪ Password list

Many people have numerous accounts on the internet from brokerage accounts to email accounts, from cell phone account access to power bill account access. It is important for a testator to record all user names and passwords and to keep the list updated with any changes.

▪ Deeds and abstracts of title

As an executor works to understand the size and value of the estate, having deeds to property and abstracts of title can be important. These documents will be needed before any property can be sold or its value determined.

▪ Prior tax returns

Prior tax returns can contain a wealth of information about an estate. It can help identify assets and liabilities, property ownership, and even favorite charities. It will be important for an executor to have these returns to gather this information and because a prior tax return may be required when submitting personal or estate tax returns later.