Who Are You Sharing Your Executor Record-Keeping With?

Serving in the executor role means that you are keeping a lot of records.  Whether it’s tracking your executor expenses, tracking the hours you are working on the executor duties, or tracking estate expenses, you probably have a robust set of spreadsheets, ledgers, and lists. It’s an important part of your executor responsibilities. 

But who are you sharing your record-keeping with? 

As executor, you will likely know if it would be helpful for beneficiaries to see the progress you are making in real time.  Perhaps it is a regular email update with a spreadsheet attached.  Or perhaps it is a quick phone call update.  Regardless of the method, sharing progress can be easier by sharing your own record keeping.  You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time someone wants an update. 

Even if you are not sharing your progress with beneficiaries, it may help keep you accountable to share your progress.  Do you find that you are more motivated when you see items getting checked off of your to-do list?  The Executor.org custom executor plan can help with this.  You can mark each task as complete and watch the steps of your executor duties move closer and closer to completion.  

So the next time you update your executor records, ask yourself–who am I sharing this record-keeping with?  And if I am not sharing, would it be helpful to do so? 

Remember, transparency in all matters as an executor will help foster a positive environment with all parties during a very stressful time for you. 
